Seigfried's Hood Replacement
41 years experience
In-House quality, certified technicians
Fully insured installers
Creation of engineered drawings
Permit advice
Competative pricing
Seigfried's stands behind our equipment

Seigfried's "Your Hood Specialist" for 41 years.
Our commitment to you
We specialize in replacing your out of date galvanized hood with a premade or custom fabricated stainless steel exhaust hood.
Our new Stainless Steel Hoods meet all current regulations.
Used hoods are an excellent way to replace galvanized hoods.
Custom NEW Exhaust Hoods & Used Exhaust Hoods
If you are in doubt whether yor hood is COMPLIANT with the newer code please call us and we will help!
We Install Your premade and existing hoods. Call us for a free in house survey/consultation with no obligation. 717-933-5419
We Are Experts with over 41 years experience at helping you through the process of installing an exhaust hood and components in your food service business. Whether you have a restaurant, bar, social club, coffee shop, concession trailer, or market stand; Seigfried’s restaurant Equipment can fully meet your kitchen ventilation needs at competitive prices.
Your Requirements And Design: First, we discuss your needs: your desired menu and the equipment required to meet your goals. Our sales professionals then come to you for an on-site consultation to help you decide on the best layout in your kitchen for your equipment line and exhaust hood. We then determine for you the exact design and size required. Your allocated budget also plays a role in this process, for most situations we can offer used exhaust hood and fan options.
Drawings And Permits: Our sales professionals can take care of all the required paperwork in your exhaust hood installation process: architectural drawings, engineer stamps, and assist with information needed for you to obtain applicable permits. This ensures that your restaurant or other food service business can open as soon as possible.
Fabrication And Installation: We can custom fabricate exhaust hoods to the exact specifications and requirements of your particular situation. Whether your application is Pizza Hoods, Make-Up Air Systems, Vapor, Steam Hoods, or Grease Hoods, you will not be disappointed in our professional workmanship. Our team of installation experts then comes to your site and installs your new exhaust hood and components. We service what we sell.
Ductwork And Fans: We will install ductwork custom to your situation connecting your new exhaust hood to your exterior fans. Whether new of used, we will supply you with the correct exhaust and makeup air fans to fit your exhaust hood. Installation includes roof or wall curbing as well.
Fire Suppression Systems: After exhaust hood and components are installed, Siegfried’s Restaurant Equipment can provide and install a fire suppression system suited to your equipment.
We are always interested in buying used, give us a call. 717-933-5419